Application Service > Maps > API User Guide

Describes APIs that are required to use the Maps Service.

Common API Information


  • Appkey is required to use APIs.
  • To check your appkey, go to URL & Appkey on top of the NHN Cloud Console.

Common Request Information

URL Information

Environment Domain

Common Response Information

Search/Navigate API

  • Respond with '200 OK' for all API requests. See header at the response body for more detail response results.
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""

1. Search of Address (Search -> Coordinates)

  • Search coordinates (TW/WGS84/TM Coordinates) with address.



Method URI
GET /maps/v1.0/appkeys/{appkey}/coordinates?query={query}&coordtype={coordtype}&startposition={startposition}&reqcount={reqcount}&admcode={admcode}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin Appkey

[Query Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
query String Required Search words
coordtype String Optional Type of Coordinates
0: TW
1: WGS84
2: TM
startposition String Optional Start position of search
0: Initial location
Query by 0, if left blank
reqcount String Optional Number of search requests
Return max count, if it is set with 0
admcode String Optional Administrative code


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": ""
  "address": {
    "result": true,
    "totalcount": 2,
    "admtotalcount": 2,
    "admcount": 2,
    "res_type": "NNYN",
    "adm": [
        "type": 2,
        "posx": "168425",
        "posy": "516725",
        "admcode": "4113510800",
        "jibun": "",
        "address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
        "roadname": "",
        "roadjibun": "",
        "accuracy": 3
        "type": 2,
        "posx": "167300",
        "posy": "515526",
        "admcode": "4113511000",
        "jibun": "",
        "address": "Baekhyeon-dong (Pangyo-dong), Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
        "roadname": "",
        "roadjibun": "",
        "accuracy": 3
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
address Object Body area
address.result Boolean Successful or not
address.totalcount Integer Total number of search results
address.res_type String Name of search result type
In the order of Name, Category, Address, and Phone Number
(e.g.) NYNN: No for name, Yes for category, No for address, and No for phone number
address.adm Array Search result
address.adm[0].type String Search type
1: Search administrative system
2: Search land-lot number
3: Search new address system
address.adm[0].posx String X coordinates
address.adm[0].posy String Y coordinates
address.adm[0].admcode String Administrative code
address.adm[0].address String Address
address.adm[0].roadname String Road name for new address system
address.adm[0].roadjibun String Land-lot number for new address system
address.adm[0].accuracy Integer Accuracy of land-lot numbers
0: Search accuracy
1: Extend the last land-lot number digit
e.g.) For the search of 963-2, return the search result of 963-X.
2 : Extend the initial land-lot number digits
e.g) For the search of 963-2, return the search result of 96X
3: Coordinates of Dong by the administrative unit
e.g.) In case input is available only down to Sampyeong-dong
4: Coordinates of Dong or higher unit, or administrative Dong
e.g.) In case input is available down to Bundang-gu only

2. Search of Coordinates (Coordinates -> Address)

  • Search address with coordinates (TW/WGS84).



Method URI
GET /maps/v1.0/appkeys/{appkey}/addresses?query={query}&posX={posX}&posY={posY}&coordtype={coordtype}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
posX String Required X coordinates
posY String Required Y coordinates
coordtype String Optional Requested coordinate type
0: TW coordinates
1: WGS84 coordinates
Search by TW coordinates, if left blank.


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": ""
  "location": {
    "result": true,
    "adm": {
      "posx": "168434",
      "posy": "516700",
      "admcode": "4113511000",
      "address": "Baekhyeon-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
      "jibun": "519-7",
      "roadname": "",
      "roadjibun": "",
      "distance": 25
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
location Object Body area
location.result Boolean Successful or not
location.adm Object Search result
location.adm.posx String X coordinates
location.adm.posy String Y coordinates
location.adm.admcode String Administrative code
location.adm.address String Address
location.adm.jibun String Land lot address
location.adm.roadname String Road name for new address system
location.adm.roadjibun String Land-lot number for new address system
location.adm.distance Integer Distance from coordinates (if available)
location.adm.accuracy String Accuracy of land-lot numbers
0: Search accuracy
1: Extend the last digit of land-lot numbers
e.g.) For the search of 963-2, return the search result of 963-X.
2 : Extend the initial digit of land-lot numbers
e.g) For the search of 963-2, return the search result of 96X
3: Coordinates of Dong by the administrative unit
e.g.) In case input is available only down to Sampyeong-dong
4: Coordinates of Dong or higher unit, or administrative Dong
e.g.) In case input is available down to Bundang-gu only
  • Search integrated information, including phone number, address, and POI data.



Method URI
GET /maps/v1.0/appkeys/{appkey}/searches&query={query}&coordtype&startposition={startposition}&reqcount={reqcount}&spopt={spopt}&radius={radius}&admcode={admcode}&depth={depth}&x1={x1}&y1={y1}&x2={x2}&y2={y2}&sortopt={sortopt}&catecode={catecode}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
query String Required Search words
coordtype String Optional Type of coordinates
0: TW coordinates
1: WGS84 coordinates
2: TM coordinates
startposition String Optional Start position of search
0: Initial location; query by 0, if left blank
reqcount String Optional Number of search requests
Return max count, if it is set with 0
spopt String Optional Optional space search
0: Disabled
1: Search of extent
2: Search of range
*Without spopt value setting, set 0.
radius String Optional Radius
Enabled when the spopt value is 2
Set by meter
admcode String Optional Administrative code
depth String Optional Requirements for sub-facilities
1: Request by depth 1 only (the highest depth)
2: Request by depth 2
3: Request by depth 3
* Set 1, if depth value is not configured
* With depth configuration, subpoi detail information is returned for the depth, like Response as below
x1 String Optional X1 coordinates
X coordinate of the control point, if spopt is 0
X coordinate on top left of Extent, if spopt is 1
X coordinate of the control point, if spopt is 2
y1 String Optional Y1 coordinates
Y coordinate of the control point, if spopt is 0
Y coordinate on top left of Extent, if spopt is 1
Y coordinate of the control point, if spopt is 2
x2 String Optional X2 coordinates
X coordinate on bottom right of Extent, if spopt is 1; disabled if spopt is 2
y2 String Optional Y2 coordinates
Y coordinate on bottom right of Extent, if spopt is 1; disabled if spopt is 2
sortopt String Optional Sorting option
1: Sort by name
2: Sort by distance (with coordinates)
3: Match names ->Sort by distance (with coordinates)
4: Sort by weight of a search word (for engine)
5: Sort by weight + length of a search word (for engine)
6: Sort by preferred category [V8.1.5 is not supported]
7: Sort by most-updated data
8: Sort by weight in the order of (Landmark>Distance>PoiWeight) + distance (if coordinates are available) of a search word
*Set 4, if sortopt is not set
catecode String Optional Preferred Category
If a category name is entered for a search word, for the search of a preferred category, search is made for the search word rather than the preferred category, according to search word-first policy
e.g.) Search Word: "Beauty salon", Preferred Category: "100000"(restaurant) ->Search is made for a beauty salon


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
    "search": {
        "result": true,
        "type": 0,
        "totalcount": 1,
        "count": 1,
        "poitotalcount": 1,
        "poicount": 1,
        "ucp_poitotalcount": 0,
        "ucp_poicount": 0,
        "tel_poitotalcount": 0,
        "tel_poicount": 0,
        "admtotalcount": 0,
        "admcount": 0,
        "reftotalcount": 0,
        "refcount": 0,
        "res_type": "YYYY",
        "poi": [
                "poiid": 4722977,
                "depth": 0,
                "dpx": "169031",
                "dpy": "517906",
                "rpx": "169039",
                "rpy": "517941",
                "name1":"Samhwan HIPEX",
                "name2": "HIPIEX",
                "name3": "Samhwan HIPEX",
                "name4": "HIPEX",
                "admcode": "4113510900",
                "jibun": "678",
                "address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                "roadname": "Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                "roadjibun": "240",
                "detailaddress": "",
                "catecode": "130301",
                "catename": "Company",
                "dp_catecode": "150",
                "userid": "",
                "imagecount": 0,
                "userimagecount": 0,
                "badgeflag": false,
                "distance": 0,
                "tel": "",
                "islandmark": false,
                "updateTS": "2017-10-12 00:00:00",
                "data_source": "Thinkware",
                "hasoildata": false,
                "hasdetailinfo": false,
                "hassubpoi": true,
                "subpoi": {
                    "count": 5,
                    "poi": [
                            "poiid": 4828295,
                            "depth": 1,
                            "dpx": "169031",
                            "dpy": "517910",
                            "rpx": "169039",
                            "rpy": "517941",
                            "name1": "Builiding A",
                            "name2": "Sanhwan HIPEX Building A",
                            "name3": "",
                            "name4": "",
                            "admcode": "4113510900",
                            "jibun": "678",
                            "address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                            "roadname": "Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                            "roadjibun": "240",
                            "detailaddress": "",
                            "catecode": "130301",
                            "catename": "기업",
                            "dp_catecode": "150",
                            "userid": "",
                            "imagecount": 0,
                            "userimagecount": 0,
                            "badgeflag": false,
                            "distance": 0,
                            "tel": "",
                            "islandmark": false,
                            "updateTS": "2017-10-13 00:00:00",
                            "hasoildata": false,
                            "hasdetailinfo": false,
                            "hassubpoi": true,
                            "subpoi": {
                                "count": 36,
                                "poi": [
                                        "poiid": 4722978,
                                        "depth": 2,
                                        "dpx": "169039",
                                        "dpy": "517941",
                                        "rpx": "169039",
                                        "rpy": "517941",
                                        "name1": "entrance",
                                        "name2": "",
                                        "name3": "",
                                        "name4": "",
                                        "admcode": "4113510900",
                                        "jibun": "678",
                                        "address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                                        "roadname": "",
                                        "roadjibun": "",
                                        "detailaddress": "",
                                        "catecode": "181100",
                                        "catename": "road facilities",
                                        "dp_catecode": "000",
                                        "userid": "",
                                        "imagecount": 0,
                                        "userimagecount": 0,
                                        "badgeflag": false,
                                        "distance": 0,
                                        "tel": "",
                                        "islandmark": false,
                                        "updateTS": "2017-10-13 00:00:00",
                                        "hasoildata": false,
                                        "hasdetailinfo": false,
                                        "hassubpoi": false
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
search Object Body area
search.result Boolean Successful or not
search.type Integer 0: General search
1: Reference search
search.totalcount Integer Total number of search results
search.count Integer Number of search results
search.poitotalcount Integer Total number of search results (Thinkware POI)
search.poicount Integer Number of search results (Thinkware POI)
search.tel_poitotalcount Integer Total number of search results (Tel POI)
search.tel_poicount Integer Number of search results (Tel POI)
search.ucp_poitotalcount Integer Total number of search results (User POI)
search.ucp_poicount Integer Number of search results (User POI)
search.admtotalcount Integer Total number of adm search results
search.admcount Integer Number of adm search results
search.reftotalcount Integer Total number of ref search results
search.refcount Integer Number of ref search results
search.recommendedQuery String Provides typo correction result if search result is unavailable (NULL is available)
search.recommendedCost Integer Typo correction result Cost (0~10000)
search.res_type String Type name from search result
In the order of name, category, address, and phone number
(e.g.) NYNN: NO for name, YES for category, NO for address, and NO for phone number
search.poi Array List of POI search results
search.poi[0].poiid Integer POI ID
search.poi[0].depth String POI depth
search.poi[0].dpx String X coordinates for display (longitude for WGS84)
search.poi[0].dpy String Y coordinates for display (latitude for WGS84)
search.poi[0].rpx String X coordinates for navigation (longitude for WGS84)
search.poi[0].rpy String Y coordinates for navigation (latitude for WGS84)
search.poi[0].name1 String Official name
search.poi[0].name2 String Short name
search.poi[0].name3 String Expanded name 1
search.poi[0].name4 String Expanded name 2
search.poi[0].admcode String Administrative code
search.poi[0].address String Address
search.poi[0].jibun String Land-lot number
search.poi[0].roadname String Road name for new address system
search.poi[0].roadjibun String Land lot number for new address system
search.poi[0].detailaddress String Address details
search.poi[0].catecode String Classification code
search.poi[0].catename String Classification name
search.poi[0].dp_catecode String DP classification code
search.poi[0].distance Integer Distance from coordinates (if available)
search.poi[0].tel String Phone number
search.poi[0].hasoildata Boolean Availability of oil price data
search.poi[0].hasdetailinfo Boolean Availability of detail information
search.poi[0].hassubpoi Boolean Availability of sub-facility
search.poi[0].adv_count Integer Number of ad codes
search.poi[0].islandmark Boolean Landmark or not
search.poi[0].updateTS String Format of last updated date (Y4-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)
search.poi[0].data_source String Category of POI creation data (Thinkware/Tel/User)
search.poi[0].badgeflag Boolean Availability of badge (Not Yet : FALSE, Badged : TRUE)
search.poi[0].userid String User ID registering POI (only for UCP)
search.poi[0].imagecount Integer Number of POI images
search.poi[0].oildata Object Oil price data
search.poi[0].oildata.g_price Integer Gas price
search.poi[0].oildata.hg_price Integer Premium gas price
search.poi[0].oildata.d_price Integer Light oil price
search.poi[0].oildata.l_price Integer LPG price
search.poi[0].oildata.updatetime String Updated time
search.poi[0].oildata.priceinfo String Highest/Lowest oil price data
(H: Highest, L: Lowest, X: N/A)
in the order of gas, premium gas, light oil, and LPG
search.poi[0].oildata.wash Boolean Availability of car wash
search.poi[0].oildata.fix Boolean Availability of car repairs
search.poi[0].oildata.mart Boolean Availability of a store
search.poi[0].AdInfo Array Ad code of the ad provider
search.poi[0].AdInfo.ADCODE Integer Ad codes
Assignable from 1 to 99 (up to 99)
search.poi[0].subpoi Object Sub-facility information
search.poi[0].subpoi.count Integer Number of sub-facilities
search.poi[0].subpoi.poi Array Same as POI information Array List of TEL search results (same as POI information)
search.ucp Array List of UCP search results (same as POI information)
search.adm Array List of DM search results
search.adm[0].type String Type of search
1: Search administrative system
2: Search land-lot number
3: Search new address system
search.adm[0].posx String X coordinates (longitude for WGS84)
search.adm[0].posy String Y coordinates (latitude for WGS84)
search.adm[0].admcode String Administrative code
search.adm[0].address String Address
search.adm[0].jibun String Land-lot number
search.adm[0].roadname String Road name for new address system
search.adm[0].roadjibun String Land-lot number for new address system
search.adm[0].accuracy Integer Accuracy of land-lot numbers
0: Search accuracy
1: Extend the last digit of land-lot numbers
2: Extend the initial digit of land-lot numbers
search.hasgasstation Boolean Availability of oil price data
search.oilprice Object Oil price data
search.oilprice.max_g_price Integer Highest gas price
search.oilprice.min_g_price Integer Lowest gas price
search.oilprice.avg_g_price Integer Average gas price
search.oilprice.max_hg_price Integer Highest premium gas price
search.oilprice.min_hg_price Integer Lowest premium gas price
search.oilprice.avg_hg_price Integer Average premium gas price
search.oilprice.max_d_price Integer Highest light oil price
search.oilprice.min_d_price Integer Lowest light oil price
search.oilprice.avg_d_price Integer Average light oil price
search.oilprice.max_l_price Integer Highest LPG price
search.oilprice.min_l_price Integer Lowest LPG price
search.oilprice.avg_l_price Integer Average LPG price
  • Search recommended search words.



Method URI
GET /maps/v1.0/appkeys/{appkey}/proposers?query={query}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
query String Required 50 bytes 50 bytes of Korean/English/Numbers (25 Korean letters)


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": ""
  "proposer": {
    "result": true,
    "count": 10,
    "keyword": [
        "keyword": "Pangyo Station",
        "frequency": 3729938
        "keyword": "Pangyo",
        "frequency": 3729326
        "keyword": "Pangyo IC",
        "frequency": 3729362
        "keyword": "Pangyo Library",
        "frequency": 3729514
        "keyword": "Pangyo One Village",
        "frequency": 3730051
        "keyword": "Pangyo Lottemart",
        "frequency": 3729602
        "keyword": "Pangyo Innovalley",
        "frequency": 3730186
        "keyword": "Pangyo Museum",
        "frequency": 3729654
        "keyword": "Pangyo Middle School",
        "frequency": 3730256
        "keyword": "Court by Marriott Seoul Pangyo",
        "frequency": 3729626
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
proposer Object Body area
proposer.result Boolean Successful or not
proposer.count Integer Number of recommended search words
proposer.keyword Array List of recommended search words
proposer.keyword[0].keyword String Recommended search words
proposer.keyword[0].frequency Integer Query frequency

5. Search of POI Details

  • Search details of POI.



Method URI
GET /maps/v1.0/appkeys/{appkey}/pois?poiid={poiid}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
poiid String Required 186 POI ID
Enter poiid with the delimiter, ","
(multiple input is available, up to 186)
e.g.) poiid=123,234,567


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": ""
  "poi": {
    "result": true,
    "totalcount": 2,
    "count": 2,
    "poiinfo": [
        "poiid": 510835,
        "dpx": "164939",
        "dpy": "530708",
        "rpx": "164929",
        "rpy": "530731",
        "name1": "Hyundai Department Store(the Trade Center Store)",
        "name2": "Hyundai Department Store Trade Center",
        "name3": "Trade Center Hyundai Department Store",
        "name4": "",
        "admcode": "1168010500",
        "jibun": "159-7",
        "address": "Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul",
        "roadname": "Teheran-ro, Samseong 1-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul",
        "roadjibun": "517",
        "detailaddress": "",
        "fulladdress": "159-7 Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul",
        "zip": "",
        "homepage": "",
        "email": "",
        "howtogo": "",
        "tel1": "025522233",
        "tel2": "",
        "fax1": "",
        "fax2": "",
        "catecode": "110102",
        "catename": "shopping",
        "dp_catecode": "250",
        "icode": "493-070-3606",
        "externallink": [],
        "detail_count": 10,
        "etc_count": 2,
        "imagecount": 0,
        "badgeflag": false,
        "detailinfo": [
            "name": "Closed Day",
            "value": "Store closed twice a month"
            "name": "Business Hours",
            "value": "10:30~20:00"
            "name": "Parking lot",
            "value": "Holds around 1400 vehicles"
            "name": "Parking fee",
            "value": "1-hour free ticket for a purchase worth of 10 thousand won or more"
            "name": "Sub-facilities 1",
            "value": "Emerald Hall(Event Hall)"
            "name": "Sub-facilities 2",
            "value": "Terrace garden"
            "name": "Size",
            "value": "10-storey building with 4 underground floors"
            "name": ""Floor Guide 1",
            "value": "1F Luxury Boutique/2F Fashion Accessories"
            "name": "Floor Guide 2",
            "value": "3F~4F Women's Fashion/6F Golf Fashion/Unisex Casual"
            "name": "Floor Guide 3",
            "value": "9F Restaurants/10F Cultural Space"
        "etcinfo": [
            "name": "Others 1",
            "value": "Located at the heart of the finanial hub of Teheran-ro"
            "name": "Others 2",
            "value": "The show window for the Korean commerce, satisfying global clients"
        "hasoildata": false
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
poi Object Body area
poi.result Boolean Successful or not
poi.totalcount Integer Total number of search results
poi.count Integer Number of search results
poi.poiinfo Array List of POI search results
poi.poiinfo[0].poiid Integer POI ID
poi.poiinfo[0].dpx String X coordinates for display (longitude for WGS84)
poi.poiinfo[0].dpy String Y coordinates for display (latitude for WGS84)
poi.poiinfo[0].rpx String X coordinates for navigation (longitude for WGS84)
poi.poiinfo[0].rpy String Y coordinates for navigation (latitude for WGS84)
poi.poiinfo[0].name1 String Official name
poi.poiinfo[0].name2 String Short name
poi.poiinfo[0].name3 String Expanded name 1
poi.poiinfo[0].name4 String Expanded name 2
poi.poiinfo[0].admcode String Administrative code
poi.poiinfo[0].jibun String Land-lot number
poi.poiinfo[0].address String Address
poi.poiinfo[0].roadname String Road name for new address system
poi.poiinfo[0].roadjibun String Land lot number for new address system
poi.poiinfo[0].detailaddress String Address details
poi.poiinfo[0].catecode String Classification code
poi.poiinfo[0].catename String Classification name
poi.poiinfo[0].fulladdress String Entire address (Administrative address+land-lot number+details)
poi.poiinfo[0].zip String Zip code
poi.poiinfo[0].homeage String URL for website
poi.poiinfo[0].email String Email
poi.poiinfo[0].howtogo String How to access
poi.poiinfo[0].tel1 String Phone number 1
poi.poiinfo[0].tel2 String Phone number 2
poi.poiinfo[0].fax1 String Fax number 1
poi.poiinfo[0].fax2 String Fax number 2
poi.poiinfo[0].icode String ICODE
poi.poiinfo[0].detail_count Integer Number of detail classification items
poi.poiinfo[0].etc_count Integer Number of other classification items
poi.poiinfo[0].badgeflag Boolean Availability of badge (Not Yet:FALSE, Badged:TRUE)
poi.poiinfo[0].imagecount Integer Number of POI images
poi.poiinfo[0].hasoildata Boolean Availability of oil price data
poi.poiinfo[0].detailinfo Array Detail classification item
poi.poiinfo[0].detailinfo[0].name String Description of detail classification item
poi.poiinfo[0].detailinfo[0].value String Content of detail classification item
poi.poiinfo[0].etcinfo Array Other classification item
poi.poiinfo[0].etcinfo[0].name String Description of other classification item
poi.poiinfo[0].etcinfo[0].value String Content of other classification item
poi.poiinfo[0].oildata Object Oil price data
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.tag_price Integer Gas price
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.hg_price Integer Premium gas price
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.d_price Integer Light oil price
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.l_price Integer LPG price
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.updatetime String Updated time
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.priceinfo String Highest/Lowest oil price data
(H: Highest, L: Lowest, X: N/A)
In the order of gas, premium gas, light oil, and LPG
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.wash Boolean Availability of car wash
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.fix Boolean Availability of car repairs
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.mart Boolean Availability of a store

6. Search of POI Sub-Facilities

  • Search sub-facilities for a specific POI.



Method URI
GET /maps/v1.0/appkeys/{appkey}/sub-pois?poiid={poiid}&x1={x1}&y1={y1}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
poiid String Required POI ID
Multiple number is not supported
x1 String Optional Current location or map center coordinates
If both X and Y coordinates are NULL or 0, distance is not calculated.
y1 String Optional Current location or map center coordinates
If both X and Y coordinates are NULL or 0, distance is not calculated.


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": ""
  "subpoi": {
    "result": true,
    "totalcount": 5,
    "count": 5,
    "poi": [
        "poiid": 4521976,
        "depth": 1,
        "dpx": "169172",
        "dpy": "517030",
        "rpx": "169172",
        "rpy": "517030",
        "name1": "Transfer parking lot",
        "name2": "",
        "name3": "",
        "name4": "",
        "admcode": "4113511000",
        "jibun": "",
        "address": "Baekhyeon-dong, Bundang-gu,Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province",
        "roadname": "",
        "roadjibun": "",
        "detailaddress": "",
        "catecode": "161701",
        "catename": "Parking lot",
        "dp_catecode": "360",
        "userid": "",
        "imagecount": 0,
        "userimagecount": 0,
        "badgeflag": false,
        "distance": 0,
        "tel": "",
        "islandmark": false,
        "updateTS": "1970-01-01 09:00:00",
        "hasoildata": false,
        "hasdetailinfo": false,
        "hassubpoi": false
        "poiid": 4521977,
        "depth": 1,
        "dpx": "169088",
        "dpy": "517090",
        "rpx": "169088",
        "rpy": "517090",
        "name1": "Exit no.1",
        "name2": "",
        "name3": "",
        "name4": "",
        "admcode": "4113511000",
        "jibun": "",
        "address": "Baekhyeon-dong, Bundang-gu,Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province",
        "roadname": "",
        "roadjibun": "",
        "detailaddress": "",
        "catecode": "173000",
        "catename": "Subway",
        "dp_catecode": "370",
        "userid": "",
        "imagecount": 0,
        "userimagecount": 0,
        "badgeflag": false,
        "distance": 0,
        "tel": "",
        "islandmark": false,
        "updateTS": "1970-01-01 09:00:00",
        "hasoildata": false,
        "hasdetailinfo": false,
        "hassubpoi": false
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
subpoi Object Body area
subpoi.result Boolean Successful or not
subpoi.totalcount String Total number of search results
subpoi.count String Number of search results
subpoi.poi Array List of POI search results
subpoi.poi[0].poiid Integer POI ID
subpoi.poi[0].depth String POI depth
subpoi.poi[0].dpx String X coordinates for display (longitude for WGS84)
subpoi.poi[0].dpy String Y coordinates for display (latitude for WGS84)
subpoi.poi[0].rpx String X coordinates for navigation (longitude for WGS84)
subpoi.poi[0].rpy String Y coordinates for navigation (latitude for WGS84)
subpoi.poi[0].name1 String Official name
subpoi.poi[0].name2 String Short name
subpoi.poi[0].name3 String Expanded name1
subpoi.poi[0].name4 String Expanded name2
subpoi.poi[0].admcode String Administrative code
subpoi.poi[0].address String Address
subpoi.poi[0].jibun String Land-lot number
subpoi.poi[0].roadname String Road name for new address system
subpoi.poi[0].roadjibun String Land-lot number for new address system
subpoi.poi[0].detailaddress String Address details
subpoi.poi[0].catecode String Classification code
subpoi.poi[0].catename String Classification name
subpoi.poi[0].dp_catecode String DP classification code
subpoi.poi[0].distance Integer Distance from coordinates (if available)
subpoi.poi[0].tel String Phone number
subpoi.poi[0].hasoildata Boolean Availability of oil price data
subpoi.poi[0].hasdetailinfo Boolean Availability of detail information
subpoi.poi[0].hassubpoi Boolean Availability of sub-facilities
subpoi.poi[0].adv_count Boolean Number of ad codes
subpoi.poi[0].islandmark Boolean Landmark or not
subpoi.poi[0].updateTS String Format of last updated date and time (Y4-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)
subpoi.poi[0].data_source String Category of POI creation data (Thinkware/Tel/User)
subpoi.poi[0].badgeflag Boolean Availability of badge (Not Yet: FALSE, Badged: TRUE)
subpoi.poi[0].userid String User ID for POI registration (only for UCP)
subpoi.poi[0].imagecount Integer Number of POI images
subpoi.poi[0].oildata Object Oil price data
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.g_price Integer Gas price
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.hg_price Integer Premium gas price
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.d_price Integer Light oil price
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.l_price Integer LPG price
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.updatetime String Updated time
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.priceinfo String Highest/Lowest oil price data
(H: Highest, L: Lowest, X: N/A)
In the order of gas, premium gas, light oil, and LPG
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.wash Boolean Availability of car wash
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.fix Boolean Availability of car repairs
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.mart Boolean Availability of a store
subpoi.poi[0].AdInfo Array List of ad codes
subpoi.poi[0].AdInfo[0].ADCODE Integer Ad codes
Assignable from 1 to 99 (up to 99)
subpoi.poi[0].subpoi Object Sub-facility data
subpoi.poi[0].subpoi.count Integer Number of subpois
subpoi.poi[0].subpoi.poi Array Same as POI information

7. Conversion of Coordinates

  • Return conversion value between WGS84 <-> TM coordinates.



Method URI
GET /maps/v1.0/appkeys/{appkey}/trans-coordinates?coordtype={coordtype}&x={x}&y={y}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
coordtype String Required 0 : WGS84 -> TM
1 : TM -> WGS84
x double Required Current location or map center coordinates
WGS84 or TM coordinates
y double Required Current location or map center coordinates
WGS84 or TM coordinates


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": ""
  "coordinate": {
    "coordtype": "WGS84",
    "x": "128.662952",
    "y": "38.058678"
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
coordinate Object Body area
coordinate.coordtype String Conversion type of coordinates
coordinate.x String X coordinates for conversion
coordinate.y String Y coordinates for conversion

1. Summary of Route Navigation

  • Search summary information on route navigation results for coordinates.



Method URI
GET /maps/v1.0/appkeys/{appkey}/routes?startX={startX}&startY={startY}&endX={endX}&endY={endY}&viaCount={viaCount}&via1X={via1X}&via1Y={via1Y}&via2X={via2X}&via2Y={via2Y}&option={option}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
startX String Required X coordinates at departure
startY String Required Y coordinates at departure
endX String Required X coordinates at destination
endY String Required Y coordinates at destination
viaCount String Optional Number of stopovers
via1X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 1
via1Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 1
via2X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 2
via2Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 2
option String Required Optional route navigation
Request by the navigation option, "," br>ex) option=real_traffic\,real_traffic2
freeroad_priority: Free
highway_priority: Highway
real_traffic: Real-time
real_traffic_freeroad: Real-time (free)
real_traffic: Recommendation 1
real_traffic2: Recommendation 2
rt_stats: Real-time statistics
rt_stats_freeroad: Real-time statistics (free)
short_distance_priority: Short distance
stats: Statistics
stats_freeroad: Statistics (free)
motorcycle: Two-wheeler


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": ""
  "route": {
    "SummaryResult": [
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
route Object Body area
route.SummaryResult Array List of route request result
route.SummaryResult[0].0 String Name of option
route.SummaryResult[0].1 Integer Distance of route navigation (unit: m)
route.SummaryResult[0].2 Integer Time of route navigation (unit: minute)

2. Route Navigation Details

  • Search detail information of route navigation results on coordinates.



Method URI
GET /maps/v1.0/appkeys/{appkey}/route-details?startX={startX}&startY={startY}&endX={endX}&endY={endY}&viaCount={viaCount}&via1X={via1X}&via1Y={via1Y}&via2X={via2X}&via2Y={via2Y}&option={option}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
startX String Required X coordinates at departure
startY String Required Y coordinates at departure
endX String Required X coordinates at destination
endY String Required Y coordinates at destination
viaCount String Optional Number of stopovers
via1X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 1
via1Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 1
via2X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 2
via2Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 2
option String Required Optional route navigation
Only one navigation option is available
e.g.) option=real_traffic
freeroad_priority: Free
highway_priority: Highway
real_traffic: Real-time
real_traffic_freeroad: Real-time (free)
real_traffic: Recommendation 1
real_traffic2: Recommendation 2
rt_stats: Real-time statistics
rt_stats_freeroad: Real-time statistics (free)
short_distance_priority: Short distance
stats: Statistics
stats_freeroad: Statistics (free)
motorcycle: Two-wheeer


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": ""
  "routeDetail": {
    "DtlInfoRec": [
    "NameRec": [
      "National Road",
      "Pangyoyeok-ro 242beon-gil",
      "Pangyoyeok-ro 226beon-gil",
      "Natioal Road",
      "Daewangpangyo-ro 644beon-gil",
      "Turn riht",
      "Turn right",
      "Turn right",
      "Pangyo (Pangyo Techno Valley) station, Baekhyeon-dong"
    "RestRec": [],
    "RouteInfo": {
      "cross_name_cnt": 0,
      "dir_name_cnt": 1,
      "dist": 456,
      "dtl_cnt": 6,
      "max_x": 169113,
      "max_y": 517952,
      "min_x": 169034,
      "min_y": 517648,
      "rd_name_cnt": 5,
      "rest_cnt": 0,
      "sec_cnt": 5,
      "time": 3,
      "toll_cnt": 0,
      "vtx_cnt": 11
    "SecInfoRec": [
    "VtxRec": [
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
routeDetail Object Body area
RouteInfo Object Route information
RouteInfo.dist Integer Total length of a route (Unit: m)
RouteInfo.time Integer Total required time for a route (unit: minute)
RouteInfo.sec_cnt Integer Number of section information records
RouteInfo.dtl_cnt Integer Number of section detail records
RouteInfo.rd_name_cnt Integer Number of road name records
RouteInfo.guide_name_cnt Integer Number of guide name records
RouteInfo.cross_name_cnt Integer Number of intersection name records
RouteInfo.dir_name_cnt Integer Number of direction name records
RouteInfo.vtx_cnt Integer Number of interpolation points (route vector coordinates)
RouteInfo.rest_cnt Integer Number of rest areas
RouteInfo.toll_cnt Integer Number of toll gates
RouteInfo.max_x Integer Maximum x coordinates among interpolation point records
RouteInfo.max_y Integer Maximum y coordinates among interpolation point records
RouteInfo.min_x Integer Minimum x coordinates among interpolation point records
RouteInfo.min_y Integer Minimum y coordinates among interpolation point records
SecInfoRec Array Section information records
SecInfoRec[0].0 Integer Distance of section (meter)
SecInfoRec[0].1 Integer Speed of section
SecInfoRec[0].2 Integer Road number or road name index
SecInfoRec[0].3 String Number of detail section information records
SecInfoRec[0].4 String Table index for section details
DtlInfoRec Array Record of section details
DtlInfoRec[0].0 Integer Detail distance of section
DtlInfoRec[0].1 Integer Detail speed of section
DtlInfoRec[0].2 String Guide name index
DtlInfoRec[0].3 String Intersection name index
DtlInfoRec[0].4 String Direction name index
DtlInfoRec[0].5 String By road type
DtlInfoRec[0].6 Integer Interpolation point at guide point index
NameRec Array Name record
NameRec[0].0 String Highway Name or Guide Name or Intersection Name or Direction Name
VtxRec Array Array of coordinates for interpolation record - route vector
[[twX1, twY1], [twX2, twY2], … [twXn, twYn]]
VtxRec[0].0 Integer twX
VtxRec[0].1 Integer twY
RestRec Array Name record
RestRec[0].0 String High-speed mode code
RestRec[0].1 String Gas station code
(0: N/A, 1: LG, 2: SK, 3: Ssang-yong, 4: Hanhwa, 5: Hyundai)
RestRec[0].2 String Availability of LPG
[0: N/A, 1: Available]
RestRec[0].3 String Availability of repair shop
[0: N/A, 1: Available]
RestRec[0].4 String High-speed mode
RestRec[0].5 String Reserved
RestRec[0].6 String Name of rest area

3. Route Navigation Details (json Parsing)

Parsing for easy view of route navigation results

<script type="text/javascript" src="" > </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function fnRouteParse(data){ // Detail result of route navigation 

  var routeParsing = route.jsonParsing(data);
  routeParsing.routeSummaryInfo;        // Summary of navigation results 
  routeParsing.routeDetailInfo;     // List of navigation routes 
  routeParsing.vtxInfo;             // List of coordinates for map drawing 


Name Type Description
routeSummaryInfo Object Summary of navigation results
routeSummaryInfo.distance Integer Total length of route (unit: m)
routeSummaryInfo.time Integer Total time required for route (unit: minute)
routeSummaryInfo.max_x String Maximum x coordinates among interpolation point records
routeSummaryInfo.max_y String Maximum y coordinates among interpolation point records
routeSummaryInfo.min_x String Minimum x coordinates among interpolation point records
routeSummaryInfo.min_y String Minimum y coordinates among interpolation point records
routeDetailInfo Array List of navigation routes
routeDetailInfo.distance Integer Detail section distance (unit: m)
routeDetailInfo.speed Integer Detail section speed (unit: km/h)
routeDetailInfo.roadName String Road name
routeDetailInfo.direction String Direction information
routeDetailInfo.district String District information
routeDetailInfo.cross String Guide information
routeDetailInfo.directionDetail String Description of route details
vtxInfo Array List of coordinates for map drawing
vtxInfo[0].0 Integer twX
vtxInfo[0].1 Integer twY